Welcome to Mirna Skanata's
NeuroBioPhysics Laboratorium
How do neural circuits orchestrate behaviors?
Headshot of the labratory's principle investigator, Mirna Mihvilovic Skanata
heart shape cutout of the fructose with larva trajectory trails showing their heart shaped paths
A figure from a presentation showing the simple brain and the principle of flourescent imaging of activity
seongjin, mirna, yiming and derrick in the laser microscope room
soengjin working on the laser microscope
seongjin, yiming and derrick in the laser microscope room
Lab members, Ximing and Derrick
Lab Group jumping in front of Crouse College building on Syraacuse University Campus
We are a multidisciplinary research lab that brings together students and scholars from diverse academic and cultural backgrounds to understand the mechanisms through which neural circuits shape behaviors.